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  • Writer's pictureMorgan Emily Patterson

Witnessing your best friend fall in love is an experience packed with contradicting emotions. 

As my best friend Rylee was falling in love, I was confronted with a painful heartbreak from a short-lived relationship. 

Rylee and I lived together for a year before reaching this important contrasting intersection. During the year with our bedroom doors across the way from the other, we were offered an invitation to unlock different aspects of ourselves that we had either forgotten, rejected, or denied. The year was a precious remembering that we were destined to experience together. 

Rylee is galactic and ethereal. Spending time in a realm that extends beyond the physical. She meditates, meeting astral beings who guide her on her journey.

I am of this earth. I play and explore in this physical world, seeking social gatherings, outdoor adventures, and dance floors in search of human connection. 

I spent the year awakening and getting in touch with my spirituality, accessing the profound transformation that this life is made for. Rylee spent the year rediscovering her humanity, accessing the light-hearted play that this life is made for. I became more in touch with a realm beyond the physical and Rylee landed her feet back on this earth. 

The exchange of experiences was such a blessing and the year left us transformed. The grand transformation was woven with the simple yet meaningful moments that living with your best friend has to offer. 

We cooked so many vegan pasta dishes. We sagged the shit out of our house. We went line dancing on Thursdays. We fell asleep in our living room to guided meditations. We navigated the wild terrain of dating and sat on the vintage cozy “blue chairs” in our living room to swap stories. 

We acted as each other's mirrors and each other's cheerleaders. The year called for each of us to share our reflections and advice with the other. More importantly, the year called for us to witness each other. 

To witness someone and to be witnessed is the greatest act of love.  

I have discovered that the love shared within my female friendships is magic. They are fueled by an energy that empowers both women to seek their unique paths. My friendships have radically changed my life. I am as grateful for them as I am for any romantic love story I have ever had. I believe platonic friendships have their own special type of love story. 

Loving someone for a lifetime means the changes within your relationship dynamic are inevitable. Allowing yourself to feel the emotions tied to these changes and then making peace with these changes is crucial to sustaining lifelong relationships.

For the last month that we lived together, Rylee was rarely home. Love had drawn her in a new direction. I was happy she was gone - experiencing the thrill of falling in love. I spent the entire year witnessing her fiercely pursue romantic love and seeing her find the person she wants to spend her life with was epic. When she returned from her first date with Connor, I could not stop smiling. There was a shared look in our eyes that said “this is it.”

While the “this is it” energy solidified, I was sad she was no longer around. I ate our favorite vegan pasta dishes alone and felt the absence of her energy in the room across the way as I slept at night. I no longer woke to the long monologues of Rylee recalling her wild dreams from the night before and was met with the silence of my morning routine. 


One day we crossed paths in our living room. 

She wore white. I wore black.

I had just returned from the self-sabotaging decision of seeing my ex yet again and had salty dried tears in the corners of my eyes.

She was just about to head out to meet Connor. Her eyes sparkled with the idea of seeing him again. 

We acknowledged the poetic contrast of this moment.  Both of us were scared that this contrast would impact our ability to witness each other and hold space for each other. In ways it did, but we both held reference for where the other was at in her journey and trusted the contrast would alchemize us. 


When your best friend falls in love, their energy is understandably redirected. Late-night conversations are shared with the ears of another. The triggering and difficult aspects of life start to be processed with them and not you. 

So I cycled through being happy for her, celebrating her, envying her, and missing her. 

I had to hold space for myself to experience it all. I had to accept that I could be happy for her, celebrate her, envy her, and miss her all at once.  As the complicated human that I am. 

And if I did not feel and acknowledge my envy and grief, it could poison my genuine joy and happiness for her. 


I look back on the chapter I had with Rylee living together as single sisters and I grieve that it is gone. I look back on this chapter in my life and I celebrate it existed. With both sorrow and gratitude, I have peace that all is meant to be exactly as it is. 

If life remains the same, your growth is stunted. If life is changing, growth is exponential. Change is difficult - some change is more bitter than others. 

Life is death and rebirth. This happens in obvious ways- when we are born and when we die. As a grandchild enters this world, too soon after a grandparent might leave. 

But death and rebirth are happening constantly. Subtly. Secretly. Aspects of your life depart so that new layers of your existence can be born. Sometimes it is gradual, other times it is in an instant. 

When a piece of your life is dying, know that something is about to be born. 

This change pushed me to take the next step in my spiritual journey, which introduced me to many new experiences and allowed me to deepen other relationships. Most importantly, the new chapter called for meaningful time with myself- rebirthing my relationship with Morgan. 

Transformation Questions + Activities: 

» Allowing yourself to feel contrasting emotions is a complicated aspect of the human experience. Reflect on a recent experience or situation that brought up multiple contrasting feelings. 

» Death and rebirth are woven within our lives. Journal or reflect on a death and rebirth moment that you experienced in the last year. 

» Are you experiencing a symbolic death in your life right now? How so? This is a sign that something is ready to be born.

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  • Writer's pictureMorgan Emily Patterson

When I celebrated my 29th birthday, the day was full of meaningful moments and memorable experiences. However, an undertone of discomfort accompanied me throughout the day as a realization rose to the surface.

For a year, I proclaimed that I was calling in a life partner, yet I had been attracting individuals and situations that didn’t allow this. The emotional unavailability was disguised in clever ways that made me reject the idea that this could be a reflection of me. 

Shortly after turning 28, I fell in love with a married woman in a polyamorous relationship. She was married to a man while also dating me. For various reasons, the relationship ended. As I healed from the shattering heartbreak, I kept wanting to blame her (or her husband) for getting my heart entangled in a dynamic where I couldn’t be with the person I loved. What I was unaware of at the time was the role that I played in this folly. While my desire and love for her were genuine,  the relationship was a manifestation of my shadow, a projection of the emotional unavailability and fear of intimacy within me. 

Later in my 28th year of life, I found myself falling for someone much older than me. 52 years older. While our connection was deep and life-changing, there was certainly an aspect of this dynamic that was a manifestation of my emotional unavailability. A 28-year-old and an 80-year-old cannot build a life together. And so my heart clinging to this kept me safe from having to try and find a relationship that could meet me in reality. 

If I give my heart to those who can’t hold it, I will never have to face the fear that comes with offering it to someone who can. 

My shadow is an aspect of self that tries to remain hidden in the darkness- lingering behind me. The unexposed shadow breeds patterns, behaviors, and beliefs that cage me. My shadow discreetly dances behind me, mischievously out of sight as it subconsciously puppeteers a less aligned life. 

An important part of my spiritual awakening has been facing my shadow. Even though parts of my shadow were shaped by circumstances or situations that happened to me or were out of my control, I must face them.

If I don’t bring awareness to my shadow, it will block me from living my most free and authentic life. 

My shadow believes she is not special…and if I don’t address this belief...I’ll never pursue my dreams. This is why I avoid writing. 

My shadow thinks her sexuality is a sickness…if I don’t confront this false story… I  will never be fully expressed. This is why I hold shame about my attraction to women. 

My shadow self is terrified of commitment and romantic intimacy… and if I don’t address this fear…I will never get the love story I deserve. This is why I used to subconsciously fall for people that I could never actually be with.

Gradually, as I awaken and heal, I metaphorically backlight myself and come face to face with my shadow. 

A year ago, my best friend Rylee attempted to leave me a caring trail of clues pointing to my emotional unavailability. The woman I was a year ago wasn’t ready to face this aspect of herself. I had to go through my unique journey that prepared me to turn around and face my shadow. I have peace that I was meant to connect with those I met along the way who will always occupy a special place in my heart.  The path was divinely mine. I did not face my shadow too early, or too late, but just on time.  I ended my birthday with tears streaming down my face. Facing the shadow is painful and confronting, but awareness helps dampen the shadow self’s sway. 

Transformation Questions + Activities: 

» The only way to move through the shadow is to be aware of the shadow. Explore your shadow self with curiosity and see what narratives might be lurking in the dark corners of your mind.

» Write out what your shadow believes and then re-write it as an affirmative statement. For example, “My Sexuality is Sickness” becomes “My Sexuality is Sacred” 

»Use a light in your home to backlight yourself and have a dance party with your shadow sending those aspects of yourself love. Our shadow is a part of us, acknowledging it and sending love to that part of yourself helps loosen its grip on your life. 

»I’ve noticed a theme where birthdays reveal a lot of big feelings. What did your last birthday expose to you?

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  • Writer's pictureMorgan Emily Patterson

What is happening between us? 

Why do we do this to each other? 

The tether between us is cinched so tight -

yet we like to pretend it isn’t there.

We casually drop the word friend-

as if that word has the power to change -

this energy between us,

that is so desperate to remain.  

My heart is still open.

Why are we both here? 

Are we seeking to fill a gap inside-

that echoes with our unworthy cries.

You drink from my faucet of compassion -

That’s because I let you.

Secretly terrified if you stop drinking from it-

no one ever will again. 

Was my love for you made up

of all the love I couldn’t give myself?

Bedazzled with subconscious insecurity -

so I settled for whatever you gave me.

Which was scraps it seems- 

you had nothing else to give.

As you barely held yourself up 

from all the pretending that you did.

Pretending you were happy.

Pretending you were fine. 

Pretending your predictable + structured ways weren’t slowly taking your life.

You savor each sip of your daily coffee -

hoping the buzz it gives you will allow you to forget -

all the feelings suppressed deep down inside you 

 longing to reach the surface - be expressed.

If the feelings get to live, my dear -

That is when you really come alive. 

But why am I so concerned with resuscitating you 

If it is taking from my own life.

Do you feel how much I give? 

Do you even really care? 

When I spilled my vulnerable truth to you -

you just sat there frozen - I was so tender and open.

Unable to hold space for me.

Unable to witness me.

In that moment I felt confronted -

Forced to look at all the times I cared for you.

When you would cry in my living room.

When you would cry in my arms. 

You’d pierce me with your scared green eyes -

Proclaiming you’d never felt this love before.

Was our connection built on you taking from me?

Was I dancing in an illusion?

Thinking you were there dancing with me -

when I was really spinning in circles alone.

Or worse, spinning in circles around you.

Doing all I could to help you through - 

the painful awakening in which you were

questioning the path you had taken.

So what is it about me that keeps pouring into you?

I thought I let go, but it seems I held on. 

This snuck up on me - or did it?

While this time is different it’s disturbingly the same.

Am I scared I’ll never love again? 

Have I really ever loved at all? 

The truth is I’m terrified I’m too broken to find a love that is true. 

If I am this fragmented how could anyone ever know me…

…let alone love me. 

If I stay in this illusion, I’ll never really have to know. 

If I leave this illusion…

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